Selasa, 20 April 2010

bitter taste

which I know is ask.wanted it, wanted it
 I never thankful for this favor,
 even sometimes always not satisfied with the gift
 I was only benefited those who do not know 
when they believe I mean it here,
 studying diligently, serve well, but
in fact I only know people who are not in profitrarely studied,
only gameing, watching TV, sleeping and eating 
I know I am wrong,, 
but why keep it this way 
I changed nothing.
 whether because of the many sins,,,,
 convulsions or myself has ever tried,,,,
 I'm sorry my lord,,,
,,,I'm sorry mother-fatherI've stained your faith,,, 
'I'm sorry,,,,I can not meet your expectations ... 
god yes please, 
your servant,,given the ease of my way,,, 
god yes I want to change,,,
 changed for the better,,, 
turn into someone who could happy my parents, 
transformed into one that can be proud of by all who know me,,,

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