What is Lentheng?
Snacks made from cassava is traditionally processed so that a typical food and taste, if you want to get this food only in certain stalls in the Temanggung area. The shape is a flattened circle is shape of lentheng, so if in cooking can produce smalls air bubbles around the lentheng.
When and where Lentheng made?
Lentheng production has been developed in Pojok, Village Purwodadi, District Tembarak, Temanggung City. In addition, lentheng also began to be developed in klowok Kidul, village Kemloko Kranggan Temanggung City, Central Java and other places we do not know one by one, of course, with a wide range of species. Small round shape usually provided mixed aroma flavors, such as garlic and original flavor.
How Make Lentheng?
Basic Materials
1. cassava
2. shallots
3. garlic
4. coriander
5. salt
Step by step
1. Peel the cassava, then wash thoroughly.
2. Prepare a steamer to steamer fire and cassava.
3. Steamed cassava until cooked.
4. Cool the cassava, so that the steam is reduced.
5. Clean cassava from wood that is in cassava.
6. Mashed cassava until half smooth, then add the spice paste, mashed until smooth.
7. Take little by little until the dough and flatten round.
8. Basking in the sun to dry lentheng.
9. Lentheng dry fried in boiling oil, drain.
10. Lentheng ready packed.
Lentheng can be marketed in raw form, meaning not fried or cooked can be marketed in the form of ready to eat.
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